Yuko Nakai

Yuko Nakai is a crystal bowl artist living in Okinawa island, Japan.
She loves playing crystal singing bowls and recording the sounds of nature to create meditative spatial art and ambient music.
She also plays healing for yoga.
From now on, she is going to do installation music and audiovisual, etc.
Me and the waters is a album of 3 songs of the sound of waters I visited, so this is kind of my water diary.
“I collaged the sound of the crystal bowls and the sound of Okinawa ocean, forest river,and the northern lake,etc.”
Into silence is the first song I made with the crystal bowls.
“My deep silence, it’s a quiet but very lively landscape.”
Akatiti means “dawn” in the Okinawan dialect.
“The sunlight slowly shines the dim sky
My uneasy, kind of sad feelings disappear
Lots of little lives begin to rejoice in the beginning of the morning
Quiet comfortable hope
It was so i was’t alone I forgot
I’m here I feel good here
Inhale Exhale”