Zakary Tuktarov - Primitives

” Album about simple life and primitive ages of hummanity – composed in isolation in little house near Volga river.
It was a happy times.
Me, nature and my musical stuff. “
Zakary Tuktarov
Released 27 June 2020
Loudness blog
Loudness blog
Musical Blog
Zakary Tuktarov – Primitives Zakary Tuktarov makes music under a few monikers. His output includes gentle folk, soul-tearing acoustic punk and collaborations with avant-garde jazz musicians. However, his latest album “Primitives” came out on French label Kalamine Records under his own name. It’s a fascinating journey in search of your inner primeval man recorded in a secluded country house surrounded by Russian nature. We asked Zakary to tell us about [ continue reading…]