Lavatone is an ambient noise project founded in 1994 by Drew Holder in Amarillo (Texas) using a 4-track cassette recorder, microphone and effects processor to create other worldly atmospheres.
Drew still uses analog recording techniques along with elements of drones, percussion, found sounds and field recordings to create Lavatone’s unique soundscapes.
Lavatone has self-released several albums all focusing on ambient, dark ambient, noise and psychedelic textures.

Tartarus Times seeks to document the existence of certain music and write about what is actually salient in it without giving outright opinions as to its quality or worth.
Lavatone – The Blue Boar – The album starts with “Monolith”, which begins with a very distorted bass note that thunders in with a low two note choir melody, and this is repeated four times until a metallic sounding drone comes in over the top. After four more repetitions, noise starts to snake through the mix. Then, a drum which sounds like it’s being beaten with a mallet thunders out over the mix repeatedly. A distorted instrument plays two notes in repetition. Reverb feedback echoes, overcoming most of the mix. Then, all drops out except for the low choir and a distant drum hit. A drum begins playing two beats in succession, then [ continue reading…]
ANTI MUSIC FOR ANTI FASCISTS Collaborating with the world of soundscapes and harsh noise music explorations; reviewing found art and new experimental instrumentation.
Lavatone – The Blue Boar – A harrowing musical piece offering no ends for destruction. Blue Boar is a finite representation of the strength and tenacity sounds augment. Released on October 27, 2019 through Kalamine Records Lavatone did an incredible job unifying and [ continue reading… ]
I am Albert E. Trapezoid. I can never get enough music, and I like to share the good stuff I find.
There’s all kinds of interesting people out there making all kinds of interesting noise, so let’s enjoy it together.
I like all kinds of music, but on this site I tend to lean a bit toward the more obscure or offbeat side of things.
I hope you’ll explore around.
The Blue Boar by Lavatone – I was thoroughly enjoying the first couple songs on “The Blue Boar” by Lavatone; an album with four long-form pieces on Kalamine Records. “Monolith” and the title track are a great mix of ominous drones and tones with interesting dark noises dipping in and out – buzzing, machine rhythms, radio interference, and maybe even an airplane and some fuzzed guitar [ continue reading… ]